Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Back in the USA

Hello friends!

It's been over a month since I posted here, and while I don't have any new Scottish adventures for you, I can give a little detail into what I've been up to since my last post.

The end of my first semester was an all out race to the finish - sprinting in some places and crawling painfully slow in others. I had four papers due in the last five weeks of school, each one longer and harder than the next. If I'm completely honest, I didn't manage my time well. A couple years out of school and I forgot how to play the game! The beginning of the semester was easy as pie, which probably should have been an indication of what was to come. I worked on multiple papers at once, switching between writing one and editing another. Patrick was a wonderful editor, helping me to see the larger picture when I tended to focus on the small details. I haven't yet gotten around to picking up two of the papers from the reception desk in the Art History building, but I did well on the first two of those last four.

Breakfast time in Spencer!

Christmas at the Letourneux's
Once I finished for the semester, Patrick and I flew home for two and a half weeks thanks to his wonderful parents, who bought us plane tickets. I'm so grateful for the time we got to have back home. Not only was it was such a fun time, getting to see all our friends and families, but it was a much needed rest. Another year of Soup Night and Christmas parties, an uneventful and snowy Pie Party, a couple game nights and shopping trips. We spent the weekend and New Years at 18b. Its strange how I can be away for months and walk into that place and it just feels like home. It felt like I was there for a long time but before I knew it I was packing up my bags again, ready to fly back (with a cold too, which made flying terrible!).

Working on some new Rabbit Troop Forever music
I'm back again in St. Andrews. I thought it would feel strange coming back here after becoming quite comfortable in Massachusetts, but I walked in the door and everything felt exactly the same. It's been a slow readjustment though, getting over a sickness and dealing with jet lag. Plus I've been dragging my feet, not really anxious to begin my winter intercession school work. Classes start up at the end of January and I'm hoping there are more adventures I can share with you all as the weather gets warmer.
